Monday, April 20, 2009

There Must Be Something In the Air...

I've tried to be nice to people around work and honestly, I give up. I smile at people that smile back at me, but not anymore. I'm going to growl and snarl and glare because I've had it with people here at work.

I've gotten my lunch taken because I put it in the public refrigerator. It wasn't labeled but I didn't think people would take food out of the fridge that they didn't put in, but I was wrong. Today I find out that people have come into my cubicle and taken pop directly off my desk. Do people not have some sort of self respect around here?? Gosh...

Next thing I know that's probably is going to happen is stuff is going to disappear from my drawers and then I'm really going to have to report to someone. This is absolutely absurd!

1 comment:

minkiebuzz said...

yeah that really is messed would think people would have more sense!