Thursday, April 30, 2009

Some Random Tid Bits About Me At Work

Websites I Like to Visit:
  • This is honestly one of the better sites for celebrity gossip. Perez updates his posts regularly and timely as soon as the gossip comes out. True or not, it will be there. He also takes the time to make his posts interesting. A lot of other entertainment news sites, such as TMZ, links to his blog.
  • This is probably what I do most when I get home. I go to Craftster to swap goodies. I don't post many crafted items as they usually get posted in the swap forums. I like going here also for ideas on crafts and also to get inspiration on what next arts and crafts I should try
  • This site has almost everything that you need for "window" shopping. Since I don't usually know who's coming to Tucson for concerts, I usually come here because there are always scalpers here. It is also a great place to find animals that need to be rescued/re-adopted, granted a lot of people try to sell their bred puppies. I've started looking at cars here too, but in all honesty, I can seem to bring myself to spend 20 grand on a used car, whether it's a BMW or not. Other things that I browse include jewelry, arts and crafts supplies, and free stuff. You may never know what goodies may come!
While At Work:
  • I tend to drink a lot of water. This is good for me as I tend to avoid water at home. I don't know why. I guess I like the taste of those big jug bottled water. We have filtered water at home too. I think I'm just missing the sweetness of juice while at work.
  • I think this next thing stems from college. I like to walk around the meeting rooms a little after lunch time to see if I can score some free food. I hate preparing lunch and usually what I bring can last another day in the refridgerator. I'm generally the only girl that does this among a lot of males. As pathetic as this may sound, it's a good way to take a break from my working day.
  • I listen to music. Although I have many albums on my Ipod, I tend to just listen to a couple till I get really sick of them and then I will try other ones. Sometimes I end up looking at what's the deal on Amazon's MP3 download site. There have been some pretty sweet deals I've gotten, for example:Fallout Boy's Foliex Duex for 99 cents on the day of release.

1 comment:

olive you xo said...


I hope you had a great weekend!

I am so hooked on 2!
It's actually one of the first sites I check when I wake you should check out, and are my other two faves!


miss you!