I've got three swaps left to complete in Craftster. I've already sent out for the Crocheter vs. Knitters Swap. I received wonderful things shown here:
A cute crochet top
Two Star Pillows
I still have the chocolate swap and the star trek swap to go. I'm almost done with the chocolate swap. I've started on the star trek swap, but I just need to find inspiration.
After I'm done with these swaps, I hope to stop for a little bit. I want to focus a little on quilting and starting a Etsy of my own. Here's hope to 2nd time attempt at a swap slow down!!
So this weekend I decided that I would try something new. I found these wonderful instructions from Bakerella on how to make cupcake bites.
You can follow her blog here: http://bakerella.blogspot.com/ She has great recipes and instructions on other edible cuteness.
I've got all the ingredients I need except the cookie cutter. I thought I'd have it, but amazingly, I never got it during my cookie phase. I already have the balls rolled and in the fridge. I will start taking pics once they look a bit better than chocolate balls. I hope that my end products will look like Bakerella's:
Aside from being a pastry chef (J/K), I finished my big knitting project this weekend. Although I did mess up a little bit, I love the overall look of it. I forgot to take a picture of the finished projects, but hopefully the recipient of it in my swap will take a good. one.
I think that the most fun weekends I have with Andy are those where we spend the whole 3 days at home. We have no plans to go anywhere. We have no plans to see anyone. It's super great. :D
Andy and I have bought tickets tonight to go see Harry Potter! I'm pretty excited to go see the movie because it's definitely been a while since the last one came out. I don't remember quite what happened in the book, but I think it will overall be good. We're seeing the midnight screening and I really hope that I don't fall asleep. The last time I went to a midnight movie, I stayed awake, but will that work again with me being at work all day today?
So..I said I would not do twitter. I didn't think much of it, I still don't, but I have an account. It's linked to everything that I deal with, blogspot and facebook. I've updated it with a picture and picked a background I like. I am being such a hypocrite. LOL!
July 4th weekend was great! It was nice that Andy and I were able to stay at home and enjoy the 3 day weekend. The weekends always feel like nothing and I never feel better on Monday. I know Mondays always suck, but today was not too bad. Granted, I am a bit tired, but it's not too bad today. I don't know if it has to do with the work that I must get done or lack of sleep, but I am feeling OK today. :)
I was able to get a bunch of crafting done. I was able to do knitting, quilting, and a bit of doll making/sewing. :) Everything is turning out pretty good. I'm hoping that I don't get behind in my swaps like I did last time. Things seem to be moving at a pretty good pace right now.
So TV has been a bit sucky lately. Most of the tv shows I watch have ended their season finale. Currently, there's only a couple that I really keep up with. Some of the shows I watch, I just do cuz I have nothing else going on that certain night. It will definitely change this week! :)
Big Brother 11 is starting this week!! I am super excited as the characters and theme looks really interesting. It will also be nice if the rumor is true that one (or a few) old house guest will be back this season. I definitely agree that the players look interesting and not all the females are dumb one with big boobs.